Thursday, November 13, 2008

Piss on the Fire! Go Crew!

Wednesday, November 12, 2008


So. I'm done dealing with the layout, thank goodness. I can't believe I once considered a career as a programmer. I'm sick of HTML! Anyway. It is a happy day. (Kind of) premature congrats to Sasha! My belief is that an engagement is a promise, not a piece of jewelry. But if that promise happens to coincide with a gift of something shiny, who are we to complain?

But seriously folks. I'm not feeling especially long winded, so I'll save my rant about symbols vs. reality in relationships and how those things affect how relationships are viewed by others. For now, I'll just say I'm looking forward to having someone sane to commiserate with! Sasha, I hope you don't have to fight off a crazy portugese lady with a veil like I did.

Later Days,

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

My blog (ick! hate that word) looks a little sad right now. I'm messing around with templates; soon it will be happy again!

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

I never thought this day would come

Let me gloat for just a sec. WHOOOHOOO!!!!!!!!!

Ok. Done. All I can think about right now is waking up after election day four years ago completely heartbroken. Constitutional bans on gay marriage passed. Bush won. I was despondant. Hate and fear were productive campaign tactics. To be crass, it completely sucked. And now? I'm jubilant. There are a few ballot measures I'm still looking at, but I feel like hope and unity are more important to our country right now than oppression and moral elitism. I'm thrilled. More later, when I'm less emotional.

Later Days,