Sunday, July 13, 2008

Fun Things

So. I guess this is kind of the first real post. How is everyone? Good.

I'm taking a break from packing. I really hate packing. Fortunately, I'm not completely UNPACKED from my previous move a year ago, so it should go more smoothly than last time. I'm still missing a boot. I have no idea where it is. I kept its mate out of hope that I'll eventually find it, but I'm about ready to give up. My audacity is wearing thin, I suppose.

Anyway. I'm moving again. The packing isn't just some kind of masochistic summer ritual. For some back story, here's a little list of all my encounters with moving vans in the last few years.

I moved from Columbus to Owensboro

-Jimmy's mom moved to Florence
-My mom moved to Florence
-My dad and brother moved to Florence when Adam graduated
-I moved to Florence
-I moved to Georgetown
-My dad moved halfway to Seymour (he's an interim pastor, so he lives with my Mom in Florence half the time and, right now, in Seymour half the time)

- Jimmy moved to Shelbyville
- I will move to Shelbyville
- My brother will move to Lexington. I may or may not actually help with this process.

So, yeah. Nomad. And then in a year or so Jimmy and I will get married and move in together.

Speaking of, here's a pretty sweet website.

It's the shiz. Tons of really good non-traditional ideas. I know what I DON'T want in a wedding (anything princessy) but I'm having trouble articulating what I DO want. Still, I'm really excited to get married and have our friends and family there with us! I think as that as long as we keep that as our main priority, everything will be perfect.

No, really.

Later Days,

Saturday, July 12, 2008

New Blog

This is my re-attempt at blogging. I used Blogger forever and a day ago and didn't like it. Hopefully its better now!