Sunday, July 13, 2008

Fun Things

So. I guess this is kind of the first real post. How is everyone? Good.

I'm taking a break from packing. I really hate packing. Fortunately, I'm not completely UNPACKED from my previous move a year ago, so it should go more smoothly than last time. I'm still missing a boot. I have no idea where it is. I kept its mate out of hope that I'll eventually find it, but I'm about ready to give up. My audacity is wearing thin, I suppose.

Anyway. I'm moving again. The packing isn't just some kind of masochistic summer ritual. For some back story, here's a little list of all my encounters with moving vans in the last few years.

I moved from Columbus to Owensboro

-Jimmy's mom moved to Florence
-My mom moved to Florence
-My dad and brother moved to Florence when Adam graduated
-I moved to Florence
-I moved to Georgetown
-My dad moved halfway to Seymour (he's an interim pastor, so he lives with my Mom in Florence half the time and, right now, in Seymour half the time)

- Jimmy moved to Shelbyville
- I will move to Shelbyville
- My brother will move to Lexington. I may or may not actually help with this process.

So, yeah. Nomad. And then in a year or so Jimmy and I will get married and move in together.

Speaking of, here's a pretty sweet website.

It's the shiz. Tons of really good non-traditional ideas. I know what I DON'T want in a wedding (anything princessy) but I'm having trouble articulating what I DO want. Still, I'm really excited to get married and have our friends and family there with us! I think as that as long as we keep that as our main priority, everything will be perfect.

No, really.

Later Days,

1 comment:

Sasha said...

I google image searched "princess wedding" hoping to find a ridiculous photo to use as a comment ... I hope you enjoy it.

Hilaaaaarious. Congrats, again! Let me know if you want help with wedding stuff so I can live vicariously through you ... ;)