Saturday, January 17, 2009

I am not a planner.

Some people are amazing planners. Me, not so much. I'm good at the whole conceptual part of planning but I'm awful at the practical making-it-happen part. Which is why I'm a good month or so behind on meeting caterers. But we have three appointments now, so thats underway. And I've narrowed photographers down to three choices, so we need to meet with them. thats next. And I ordered save the date magnets! Yay! And we got our request in to Jimmy's mom's timeshare company for the honeymoon...

Huh. I'm actually kind of on top of this. For me.

In other news, we're going to see Wicked this week! We have fancy box-seats. I'm pretty excited. Jimmy's been working way too much, so it will be fun to have a date night. We went to the UK-Vandy game last weekend and went to the martini bar across the street from where we got engaged. This weekend, however, is a lazy d0-nothing weekend. I'm really enjoying it.

I'm off to make some blueberry muffins and the Sungergos coffee I picked up at Whole Foods! Hope everyone's year has been fabulous so far.

Later Days,

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