Monday, August 25, 2008

Thinking Happy Thoughts

This post is primarily because Jimmy just left for his night job and it made me sad... So I'm going to write about happy things.

My wedding is basically planned. Yep. I mean, there are details to iron out and contracts to sign and tastings to attend and decorations to buy... But the PLANNING part is pretty much done. Color scheme? Check. Attendants? Check. Budget and timeline? Check. Location and date and time? Check. Caterer and cake baker and photographer and rental place and honeymoon (HATE that word) and musicians and officiant? Check-ish. Nothings official, but there are definite front runners. The dress, tuxes, florist (just for bouquets and boutonnières (I spelled that wrong and spell check gave me "guttersnipe" for some reason. All I did was add an extra "t", it wasn't that off!)) are all still up in the air. But yeah. I'm on top of this.

My mom wants to throw an engagement party to get Jimmy's family and my family and some of the friends to meet and mingle. I'm all about it, I just don't know about logistics. We'll see, though. I'm not all about the shower thing, so this is probably a good substitute.

Don't weddings just seem like an excuse to ask people to get you a lot of stuff? I kind of hate that. I have enough stuff. I have too much stuff. What in the world could I possibly ask for at a bridal shower? That said, if anyone wants to contribute to the "Buy Laura and Jimmy a House" fund, feel free... :)

Ok, well, the DNC is on and Teddy Kennedy is speaking. Must run!


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