Tuesday, October 26, 2010


A Rand Paul staffer curb stomped a woman's head yesterday and Mr. Paul issued the world's most half-assed apology. "It was an unusual situation to have both sides jockying back and forth and it wasn't a situation I liked."

No. You know what you say there? You say, "No one, regardless of what they believe or who they support deserves that kind of treatment. Everyone has the right to protest peacefully and safely without fear of being assaulted or attacked. The attack on Ms. Whoever was thuggish and uncalled for and this campaign and I personally want to apologize to her for Mr. Whoever's actions. He is no longer part of our campaign".

You don't try to explain it. You don't say that she was there as part of some political stunt. You know what? It doesn't matter. She was excercising her right to free speech and freedom of assembly. For a poster-boy of a movement that supposedly elevates the rights of individuals over all else, Rand Paul certainly seems to be ascribing to the major party "rights only apply to those who agree with me" mentality.

After the whole "aqua buddha" catastrophe I was considering a write-in candidate for Senate. But now? Definitely voting for Conway. Paul is a sniveling weasel of a man. I'd rather have geriatric Bunning or conniving McConnell any day over a guy who apparently things assault on women by his campaign staff is merely "unusual".


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