Tuesday, October 19, 2010

I suck

At blogging. I think this shall be my semi-private (as in, no one reads this and I don't care either way) blog. Its nice to write with a theoretical (rather than actual) audience. Hello, vast internet of possible readers! Hello, future me! I'm assuming future me is the only one who will really read this.

I watched Rachel Maddow for the first time in a long time today. That must be why I feel like writing. I'm feeling politically oriented. Melissa Harris-Perry (formerly Harris-Lacewell) was on tonight talking about the particularly nasty and racially-oriented political discourse this election cycle. She always makes what feels like a dire situation more hopeful. "Its hard to hear above all this noise, but I think what we're hearing is the death rattle of American racism". What a nice thought.

Tomorrow is "spirit day" in honor of all the gay teens suffering from abuse and discrimination. The color is purple. So, I'm wearing purple tomorrow. And I will listen to Gogol Bordello. And I will hope that the uptick in violence against gay teens is the death rattle of American homophobia.

The courts have forced the federal government to cease implementation of DADT. The world has not crashed in around us. This has to be a good sign.

Ana Marie Cox was also on Maddow (my favorites! all in one night!). She talked about that crazy lady who doesn't believe in separation of church and state. Christine O'Donnell. I think. Something like that. She (Cox) referred to her (O'Donnell) as "baby-Palin". My reaction, out loud, alone in my living room was, "not another one!". It's at times like this I miss George Bush. At least he had the common decency to, on the day after 9-11, to go to a Mosque and eventually proclaim that we were at war with Al-Qaeda, not Islam.

Maybe this anti-mosque movement is the death rattle of American Islamophobia.

Maybe I'll move to Canada. Or Fiji.

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