Thursday, August 21, 2008

Hooray for narcotics

I went to the dentist today because I had a toothache yesterday. It was mostly gone this morning but I went ahead and kept the appointment. I need a dentist in Frankfort anyway. So I went in and ended up getting a root canal! Right then and there. So now I have a partial filling and a 1750 dollar bill for the whole experience. Well, including the next two visits. Who knew root canals were so involved?

But I have some pretty nifty pain medicine and I got to spend most of the day in a comfy chair watching TV. (They squeezed me in at the same time as other appointments so there was a lot of waiting). And I really like the dentist lady (I can't pronounce her name; I may call her Crentist), which is crucial for someone like me who has chronic teeth issues. Thanks, mom!

Anyway, after 3 hours at the dentist I left, completely numb. I tried to smile; I looked like half of my face was paralyzed! So everywhere I went after that (starbucks, kroger's pharmacy, the gas station, my office) I couldn't smile at anyone! And, granted, I'm not always little Ms. Sunshine, but we're so programmed to smile at strangers (especially us women) that when I wasn't able to, I felt completely evil. The lady at the gas station across from my work (who I see practically daily) gave me a free cookie and I thanked her, completely stone-faced. It was a bizarre experience and I am glad its over.

Its precisely for that reason I would never try botox.

Tomorrow is our office picnic. We're going to celebrate my one year anniversary with enforcement and my birthday! Well, me and a handful of other people. August is a big month in my office. I'm really looking forward to it.

It may be these pain pills (who ever said narcotics are a bad thing?) or the fact that I just watched Project Runway (with drag queens!) but I'm in a phenomenal mood.

Later Days,

1 comment:

Sasha said...

The drag queen episode was the BEST! Yay for pain drugs!